C. Albert

C. Albert

      The Watermelon Universe*   I love these Gypsy schoolchildren, hands uniformly clasped, lost in camouflaged pieces of planet scatter. Their shadows are as long as countries. Children curious about the whole world stand on the maps, try to...
‘Pin-Up’ by Jane Salmons

‘Pin-Up’ by Jane Salmons

  Pin-Up Her red hair tawny as a fox. * The cameraman, I am nor rain, nor cloud, nor fog. * I mist the zoom with vaseline. * I ground her she floors me. * Her smile rare & fast as gun flash. * Her voice a smoking growl. * Just put your lips together and blow....
Rob Stuart

Rob Stuart

  Rob Stuart’s poems, visual poems and short stories have been published in magazines, newspapers and webzines all over the world. He has also written the screenplays for several award-winning and internationally exhibited short films.