Simon Ravenscroft

      Mr F (of Supple Mind) Blessed are the weak of mind for they shall have the appearance of answers and be troubled only when they encounter people with contrary answers and yet not really troubled for although they may become angry it is evident...

Tom Cardew

      Domesticated Animals I pat its head until its face starts to flatten. Its body meets the floor, legs buckle under the weight of my enthusiasm, then groans out a kind of exhaling sound and attempts to inch itself away. ‘Don’t go,’ I tell it and...

Scott C. Holstad

      Surviving Six Shooter I was sent from the Glendale jail down to the L.A. Twin Towers, the Los Angeles County Jail for those with medicinal needs. I was Bipolar and on 14 prescription meds including two strong anti-psychotics. LAC was the only...

Rebecca Klassen

      Liana 1)      Liana vines are rooted in the earth and use trees to climb towards the canopy. Mum sews in her armchair, the embroidery hoop in one hand like a tambourine as she plays it with cotton, the needle’s tempo remaining steady when Dad gets...

Luke Reilly on National Flash Fiction Day

      Fag Break A meek and graceful man dressed in a loose-fitting suit paces across the roof of the Four Seasons hotel. He smokes a cigarette and watches the Seoul skyline. He inhales. Beneath his skin, the smoke stains his lungs, thickens the blood....

Kayleigh Cassidy

      The Glass Door Before I knew it, I was crying in front of my entire dance class. Thirty women and two men in neon active wear, staring at me as I tried to explain why I was late. ‘Are you okay?’ a woman with braids asked. ‘The glass door hit me,’...