by Kate Birch | May 12, 2021 | Word & Image
Let the nurses laugh Let the nurses laugh it feels as if laughter has left us I watch your careful hands make a cardboard house for our cat touching the tape; I know your hands have washed corpses spoken to their spirits as calmly as you speak to me now your...
by Kate Birch | Apr 26, 2021 | News
6am in Bole airport (after eight years) The inevitability of currency changing hands; multiples of six just momentarily effervescent, reprise! reprise! reprise! Everyone’s face looks like a clock at a certain hour; delirious in mid-applause when you hear your...
by Kate Birch | Apr 23, 2021 | News
Join us Sunday 25th April at 4pm BST on @insta.inksweatandtears to watch outgoing editor (and newly announced 2021 Ledbury Critic) Memoona Zahid talking to her successor as intern, Fahad Al-Amoudi, about all things IS&T. Fahad Al-Amoudi will be the second intern...
by Kate Birch | Apr 19, 2021 | News, Picks of the Month
It was so so close and rather like a race in which first one contender and then the other edges out into the lead. But in the end it was Sally Festing’s ‘Sunday Mornings’ which triumphed, its gentleness, familiarity and economy of words with the sense of time, of ‘a...
by Kate Birch | Mar 30, 2021 | News
Ink Sweat & Tears is testing the waters of Instagram live. Join us Wednesday 7th April at 5pm on @insta.inksweatandtears to watch editing intern Memoona Zahid talk to poet Gail McConnell about her IS&T Press Michael Marks Shortlisted pamphlet Fothermather as...