IS&T Welcomes its Fourth Editing Intern and First for 2022: Leah Jun Oh

IS&T Welcomes its Fourth Editing Intern and First for 2022: Leah Jun Oh

    creature comfort goat-eyed and fragile                                         I lay my head in your lap. seven days                                          I have struggled        braying         spitting against the grain                         my...
Runaways London

Runaways London

    History, storytelling and escape from slavery in 17th and 18th Century London Between the 1650s and 1780s many hundreds of enslaved people were brought to London. Most were African although a significant minority were South Asian and a smaller number...
Runaways London

Runaways London

Whilst many people view the trade in enslaved people as something which took place along the so-called ‘Middle Passage’ between Africa and the Americas, between the 1650s and 1780s many hundreds of enslaved people were brought to London. Most were African although a...