by Kate Birch | Apr 1, 2022 | Featured, Poetry
The Fool I am the man you see on a ladder square centre of a field on your morning commute. The rake in my hands clears a patch in the clouds for a clutch of sunflower seeds. Next time you look up from your paper a pother of songbirds have tatted...
by Kate Birch | Mar 21, 2022 | News
We submitted our three nominations for 2022’s Forward Prize Best Single Poem last week and what better day to announce these on than World Poetry Day. Please join us in congratulating Celestine Stilwell, Elizabeth Sennitt Clough and L Kiew and revisit their...
by Kate Birch | Mar 12, 2022 | News, Picks of the Month
It almost feels like my life has been sort of summed up in verse. We are always in awe of those who speak more than one language fluently, even more so when a poet writes in their second or even third language. But we rarely see the doubts behind...
by Kate Birch | Feb 14, 2022 | Picks of the Month
… it’s so real. The movement of the poem without breath evokes exactly the situation it describes The wonderfully titled ‘A Parishioner Complains at a Parish Church Council When We Move the Time of Evensong’ by Manon Ceridwen James is the...
by Kate Birch | Jan 9, 2022 | News, Picks of the Month
So evocative and vivid Lovers of all things seaside and Blackpool pushed Abigail Flint’s ‘Self portait as Blackpool’ to the fore and she emerged as the winning Pick of the Month poet with her ‘startlingly original’ poem in what was a very close competition....