by Helen Ivory | Dec 21, 2021 | Twelve Days of Christmas, Word & Image
In Light Honey, I think that to say is in light. (At Night the States, Alice Notley) Tonight, the bellied arcs bear pearls. The borrowed luminescent studs of drowning ferris wheels flare and unfold black upon herself. I walk, name you,...
by Desree | Nov 30, 2021 | Featured, Word & Image
‘Car Park Haiku’ printed using a car park printer. Steve Harrison lives in Shropshire. He has been published in The Emergency Poet collections, Pop Shot, Wetherspoons News, HCE, and appears on YouTube as steve harrison poet. He performs across the...
by Helen Ivory | Nov 5, 2021 | Featured, Poetry, Word & Image
Shine After Gillian Lever “What is orange? Why, an orange, Just an orange!” — Christina Rossetti, from Sing-Song (1873) Sweet naranja, common, in-your-face cadmium, chrome, atomic tangerine. # FF7F00: traffic cone of all colours...
by Desree | Oct 1, 2021 | Featured, Word & Image
Coffin Path Martin Rieser is both a poet and visual artist. His interactive installations based on his poetry have been shown around the world, including Understanding Echo shown in Japan 2002, Hosts Bath Abbey...
by Desree | Sep 17, 2021 | Word & Image
discontinUnity Debbie Strange is an internationally published, short-form poet, artist, and photographer whose creative passions connect her more closely to the world and to herself. She is the winner of the 2020 Snapshot Press Book Award and the...
by Fahad Al-Amoudi | Aug 23, 2021 | Word & Image
The Meaning of Roundling With the edges of our eyes, we catch glimpses of roundlings peeking through windows. Gentle creatures, ready to bolt, fragile with dark traumas passed onto them. Best not to talk in x,y,z. A whisper, “why didn’t you” or “you...