Jackie Wills

      Dressmaker at the market I stop at the dressmaker’s stall to ask what she does with leftovers. We discuss bunting – it’s a slow day. I buy a £10 bag of scraps, swatches, snippets, interrupted patterns and borders. The bag taps a...

Donna Campbell

      A Murder of Crows I feed the crows that loiter in my back garden. The young ones know no manners and fail to bring me gifts like their older kin. They bring glittery things, discarded wishbones, rusted metal, random objects no doubt each with a...

Joseph Rodgers

      Snowlight A window glowing with snowlight and we’re running. Take care not to make me your caretaker. I’m just that tube you suddenly share a tunnel with before we charge into our own darknesses or are whisked into them. Stop the whistle, the...

Jim Murdoch

      Weeds   Needs must and so they do. Without hesitation or regret. Maslow at least got that right. Love is not a need per se. The need for love (real or imagined) is the need. Like hunger or thirst. Flowers are beautiful. Most flowers. Weeds...