George Freek on Holocaust Memorial Day

      Sonata for the Dead (After Li Shangyin) Crows pick at the rotting bones of skeletons who gaze with sightless eyes at the stars, where our dreams abide, but never come alive. Crows, seeking somewhere to feed, scatter like fallen leaves, as wind...

Claire Smith

      Fish-Tale   She gorged on forests, gluttonous for the town, craved torchlit streets every time she went back to normality.  She swapped her tail for a man washed up on the shore along with the shingle, salt-seaweed, and crab-carapace. She burns...

Jay Délise

      The Love Poems I finally took the trash out, sent that email, and had enough clean dishes to eat a meal at the table but there was no time to write the poem Before you woke up this morning I slipped into the cool autumn air in search of the...

Gwen Sayers

      Simulacra I was six when I shifted a curtain in a dark room at the waxwork museum and peered through glass at a woman I remember hooks and chains her tattered skirts pale lips crimson stains I thought of her first time I lifted black tarpaulin...