by Desree | Dec 18, 2021 | Featured, Poetry
Entwined Like honeysuckle tendrils she leans in to him and he to her young pliant bodies long smooth fingers interlaced heads together, murmuring like a small stream over rounded pebbles. She touches lips to his forehead and when they shift...
by Desree | Dec 17, 2021 | Featured, Poetry
The Last Days Of The Giraffe She stared down from her beige towerblock onto an alien plain: zig-zag of roofs, wingless cranes, zebra crossings and a sea of litter – the new neighbours behaved like bushpigs. Once she used to hoof it down the...
by Desree | Dec 16, 2021 | Featured, Filmpoems
WARNING: FLICKERING IMAGES The Air We Held Between Us last time i was here, you were too and that used to hurt this hope for something solid, slowly disappearing. but i’m ok, now and i hope you are too. i really hope you’re happy, that...
by Desree | Dec 16, 2021 | Featured, Poetry
When they go they will still text you give an unexpected call keeping it brief, before a meeting but the phone is dead and it is the first time I have used that word. You will still shout up the stairs ring the bell there is no-one there key...
by Desree | Dec 15, 2021 | Reviews
In just 31 wee poems of 10 lines each, Sanjeev Sethi, an Indian poet, creates a monumental work of grace from raw feelings. The themes are all too familiar, but the little chambers they reside in are unique. Heavy furniture goes out of the window as rooms are...