like snow
an etherial whiteness
that covers and disguises
as a strip of white frosted glass
conceals an interior
or spray from lorry wheels
obliterates the road
the nets across windows
blurred reality in childhood
pale curtain-light enclosed
the room with mystery
likewise Victorians filtered
the world with lace curtains
in the carwash the suds roll
down the windscreen
and we two small people
are inside the snow-dome
where in this moment
flakes of sky are falling outside
it’s easy to trust the magic of snow
as it blanches winter trees
allows a grey scratch of grasses
to push through fragile crystals
to forget that cold kills even
as it embraces with sleep
Yvonne Baker has received awards from Cinnamon Press for her pamphlet Tree Light and collection Love Haunts in Shades of Blue. Recent publications are Backwards, Forwards across the Sea (2024) and Light Still, Light Turning (2025)