Ceres in the garden

You wring yourself from me
a sort of ripening

a size-of-fist fruit pome
trailing smashed seed juice

you slip from my palms, lovelike
my plum pudding

prismatised in the light
in your soft proto-placental

such brilliant viscera
clot-red sangria

God, I could drink you in
like a wolf-mother

become whole again

my would-be queen
I inter you, earthbound

wrap you in clasps of root
hungry for bloodmeal

my small season
faithful tithing

for life-death-life

my hands cradle air

sap sunward
come spring
promise me
yolk pollen
blush bud
plump petal



Vera Zakharov was born in Moscow, grew up in the US and lives in East Sussex with her family. Her work has been published in the Madrigal Press, Sledgehammer Lit, ONCA Poetry Collective, Mum Poem Press and elsewhere.