This is one of Jess Nash’s images from our anthology Uprising & Resistance, produced in conjunction with Spread the Word and the Black Beyond Data Mellon Foundation funded project, Underwriting Souls. These works respond to historical archives and objects from the Lloyd’s insurance market which show evidence of insurrection by enslaved people on board the ships of the Middle Passage and give life and meaning to the their names, voices and experiences which have been silenced in the spaces of exchange and economic speculation.

The image is called ‘The chefs’ and refers to those the designated to learn how to slip poison into meals should they ever be captured and appointed as cook. Jess Nash was inspired by references, such as the one below, in the Lloyd’s Lists to Captains being poisoned on the ships and the subsequent undermining of the slaving voyages.


… The Society, Moneypenny, from Leverpool, is arriv’d at Annamaboe; and the Johnson, late Robinson, from Leverpool, at Logano, who had purchas’d 230 Slaves; but Capt. Robinson, the Doctor and his Mates, together with 17 of the Crew, were poisoned by the Negroes.

– June 29, 1764, Lloyd’s List, London


Jess Nash is an illustrator whose work is based on her love of culture and social commentary. Working across different areas of illustration and animation, her goal is to create moments of relatability, connection and joy. She’s had the pleasure of collaborating on projects with VANS X MoMA, Penguin Random House and the Design Museum.


For more information on the project:

Please note that we are currently awaiting a reprint of Uprising & Resistance, which should happen in the spring / early summer of 2024. To register your interest, please email Kate at

Uprising & Resistance


To buy its predecessor, Runaways London, produced in conjunction with Spread the Word and the University of Glasgow’s Runaway Slave in Britain Project, please go here.

Runaways London