Mother Nature

She inhabits here
laced in hibiscus
dancing through marigolds
as she weeps low hymns
of sparrow’s song

fluorescent forests hugging her body
while she
gayly frolics through a frog pond
brushed barefoot
as the water hugs her toes

she awakens the trees to whisper
all the stories they’ve heard
of bliss and blunder

how love has kept them growing
with hopes of kissing the sky one day

she thanks the soil for cushioning the beds of her feet,
berries for filling her hunger,

and Mother Nature for birthing her.



Rhiannon is a thirty year old who grew up in the suburbs of South Jersey. She started writing song lyrics as a young girl, which led her to start playing her own music by her early teens. She recently has grown to love writing poetry and is working on her full length poetry book. She hopes her art will be seen as inspiring and encouraging for readers.