eye / reflections

white claws / hideous / blasting / at eyes / ark / a vicious light
flick / big / flash / lick / curse / crush / crash jittery
the lank / of green blue throttle / kite
the spike / the golden beast / the flying far / the like
the cairn / the mourn / tornado / super / butterfly
too much / too flit too / slippery / too fight
too strong too / shine too / furtively / too ripe
a cat / a catapult / enrage / the pump of blood
the bark blows pummel / entropy / the blight

must some / / times / / slowly / / close

these too / / wide / / eyes



Rachel Carney is a creative writing tutor and PhD student based in Cardiff. Her debut poetry collection Octopus Mind will be published by Seren Books in July 2023. You can find her blog here.