woodland creature

cool breeze soft damp air
meander inspect each leaf
specks of sunshine
every wrinkle in the bark

mushroom cups squashed together
wedged and piled high
bumpy cosy textures sprout
from the sinking green moss

the under crunch rustling leaves
a zebra striped slug
rushing water
a carpet of tumbling wild garlic

woodland you held me
when i first opened my mouth
screaming dragonflies flew out
deft acrobats in every direction

you offered me security
butterfly wings beating rhythms
for my footprints
led to a tree so perfectly

grown to climb
your stoic wisdom
cracked the walnut shell
all is temporary


Poet Brwn Girl in the Ring is a UK-born Malawian Indian Muslim woman. Her work includes anti-colonial healing, female pleasure, spirituality, nature and music. A spirit-tugging creative healer – poetry articulates when her lips don’t know where to start.

Insta: @brwngirlinthering