out for a walk

first     come the trees

their frames

                        different in every season

today the blinding brightness of new green cutting through the grim skies

then come the houses and their doors

      a purple one a turquoise

among the many                  which have no colour

                  worth remembering

behind each door

                                    someone’s home

the smell of a home when a door opens

                                                                        the warmth

then          there’s the common

a slapdash of grass balancing itself between four roads

houses all around                staring

                        cars going past         all hours

and on the common


                                                think about lying down

spreading myself wide                   screaming

                        screaming      screaming



Mirkka Jokelainen is a Finnish poet living and working in London. Her work has previously featured in magazines such as South Bank Poetry and Acumen, and been longlisted in poetry competitions. She is currently studying for Writing Poetry MA with The Poetry School and loving it. Her (re-)tweets live at: https://twitter.com/MirkkaWrites.