My List Poem of the All-Important

A small family of wildflowers announcing themselves in an abandoned pot,
Morning sun warming barley fields at Castletown House Estate,
A grounded fledgling glaring defiance as I gently inquire of her health,
Heavy rain on a sheltering roof,
The small city of Chania waking up and inviting adventure,
My Grown-Up Kids, My Grandkids,
Every dog that has ever lived, Every dog that will ever live,
All wild things that have no need of humans or their ways,
All my friends, all my enemies and knowing which is which,
Knowing there are whales in the dark waters of night,
Bats, Bees, Birds,
Art, no matter what clothes it wears,
All those who have loved me, All those I have loved,
The gap between,
A glowing fire on the coldest night,
Wild woods, Doc Martens, Mods,
The arc of life and how it bends like a bow,
The arrow of time loosed from that bow,
Wind in autumnal trees, telling tales of full life and impending death,
Dreaming I can fly,
Knowing someday I will.



Mick Corrigan’s poems have been rejected by some of the finest magazines and journals around, some of his poems have been nominated for The Pushcart Prize (USA) and The Forward Poetry Prize (best individual poem) UK. His debut collection Deep Fried Unicorn was published in 2014, his second collection The Love Poetry of Judas Iscariot was published by Dionysia Press (UK) in early March 2022.