
I’m a little girl wearing a
floral dress and I jump straight
into the muddy puddle I see before me.
I am not even wearing
wellington boots. I am
unprepared for the dirt but
I am sick of being ready for things.
I want to talk my way out
of the brown slashes on my clothes.
They won’t stain because I am
the living embodiment
of charisma and charm.
I am a teenager with a terrible haircut
and I’m using makeup
for the first time. It looks shit
but everyone tells me it doesn’t matter
because it’s my first go.

I am a woman in my highest heels
and shortest skirt and I only go on walks
at night.
The world is almost peaceful
when it’s dark and I am
not scared.



Meg Ross is a 24 year old poet and writer living in London. She studied an MA in Creative Writing at Royal Holloway University of London, specialising in poetry. She writes on themes of Queerness, love, distance, and death to form intensely personal lyric poems. Meg has also used their poetic work to create short pieces of devised theatre, and hopes to create more in the future. She is on Instagram @megwritesthis.

Meg is the organiser of Women & Flowers, “a digital zine creating space for our pain, anger, and collective mourning of all victims of male violence, featuring work by creatives who know what it is like to struggle under a system of societal patriarchal oppression”. The resulting Zine is now accessible via a give what you can donation, of which all proceeds will go towards LGBT+ inclusive charities that support women and combat male violence.