What’s In The Basket?
(drawing text)

What? I ask my self …
Will I find the peace I so
desire, the healing?
(4 Jl 2021)

No-one may see what is in
that tightly woven basket –
perhaps it is the moon, or
perhaps ‘tis nothing
(14 Mr 2021)

Through the woven reeds of this
basket shines a golden light …
what could it be – or who could
be – in this basket?
(8 D 2021)

I open the woven rush
lid & peer within to see
what may be hidden within
& in those shadows
(29 Ap 2022)


Lorraine Caputo’s visual creations are in private collections and published in dozens of international publications. Her poems and travel narratives appear in over 400 journals on six continents and 23 chapbooks – including In the Jaguar Valley (dancing girl press, 2023).