Our House

Where our house
should have been
there was a hedge
all but the roof
from street view

where our chimney pot
should have been
there was a cap
to prevent the birds
falling in and our souls
from escaping

where our front door
should have been
there was an airlock –
our groceries
were delivered in crates
to our back gate

our wifi connection
became all the traffic
we travelled on,
the internet our oyster,
the swivel chair
our sundial

where the year twenty-twenty
should have been
there was an empty folder
for photos
and our house
became the universe.



Julia Stothard is a data analyst living in Surrey. Her poems have appeared in Ink, Sweat and Tears, The Lake, Prole and Obsessed with Pipework. Her micropoetry can be found @TerzaVerse on twitter.