Nine Moons 


The moon changes size
Tonight it is small and high
white and hard as a pill

While you dream of stone trees
under the ground
it drops

from the sky
into the glass beside your bed
dissolves with a bone-saw sigh

The water clouds and then clears
stands ready to turn your veins into vines
to take the edge off the world



Tonight I will
leave the house behind

I will climb out through
the bedroom window

and walk on dark air
that smells of salt

I will put my finger
in the unplayed moon
and make it spin

slip into its silver music
swim the silence



Things had a way
of disappearing in the garden

Coins, china,
boiled sweets,

A portrait of St Peter
A child singing
Every fingernail moon

Everything, stolen
My heart lost in the mist
for days at a time

Love                        missing
for so long, when it came
it was just

strange –
a disconcerting carousel
Just some kind of

at the end of the garden


Janet Lees is a poet and lens-based artist. Her poetry has been published in many different magazines and anthologies, her film-based work has screened at numerous international festivals, and her art photography has also been widely exhibited.