peter lacy

you beg me to saturate you    like oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber    just a whiff of torso
a lungful of animalic notes    my bones smell smoky & powdery against yours    don’t
magnetise yourself    I prefer you smaller than a nail scar    I miss all the glitter and colour
inside your mouth    inside the wound where your head should be    you’re my little moth
I’ll piggyback you upstairs if you’re too drunk    your candlewick lips make me forget
about watches    the ones you steal for a living    the ones you trade for dust & cotton wool
I can’t sit with my back to a window at night    without thinking of your eyelashes
beating against the skin of my neck    they say truncation is a form of visual suffocation
they say you can capture the not-whole    to me it looks like an abbatoir    to you it’s a church



Italo Ferrante (he/him) is a queer poet who earned a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Warwick. To date, his work has been selected for publication by Poetry Salzburg, Impossible Archetype, Cardiff Review, Sage Cigarettes, Inflections Magazine, Lighthouse, and Orchard Lea Press. Recently, his poem Ode to Abruzzo has been shortlisted for the Oxford Brookes’ International Poetry Competition (2022).