In My Last Phone Call

Did I say it looks like rain?
I meant the sky is black with a thirst
only crying can quench, clouds smothering the hills.

Did I say this was my home?
It was a mistake. The walls are collapsing
even as I paint myself into a corner.

Did I say come over? Don’t.
I meant I’m hiding behind the curtains
and the doorbell’s disconnected, both hanging by a wire.

Did I say my heart? I meant
my walled-off garden, self-seeded with thistles.

I said I’m angry and I meant it.
It’s a shorthand for the howl that opens my throat
to bleed onto the horizon.

Did I say I was talking about you?


Gerry Stewart is a poet, creative writing tutor and editor based in Finland. Her poetry collection Post-Holiday Blues was published by Flambard Press, UK. Her writing blog can be found at thistlewren.blogspot.