Interview Response
after Yaël Farber

Nothing I can tell you to answer your question —
all I can muster is that
it was that production of King Lear, Edgar emerging
raw and fresh and naked from the storm, unrecognisable
even to himself, his father blind and suicidal but still guided
by the son whose only motivation was love —
that production that I sat
there in my seat suspended over the stage and thought this,
this is going to save someone, this will. I don’t know if it was just
blind optimism or my unwavering commitment to viewing
everything as a foundational life experience but
here is the truth: that the moment the pre-mad king
strode out onto stage I was levitating.
Also, I have always been dramatic. If these are the questions
you must ask, these are the answers I will give. This is a plea;
I am a beggar in the storm. Allow me to stay here
and do this forever.


Dawn Sands is 17 years old and lives near Portsmouth. She was a Top 15 Foyle Young Poet in 2023, and has also been published by Eunoia Review and Young Poets Network. You can find her on Instagram @dawnllswriter.