Let that love show

When all is quiet save for the silky rustling of an autumn breeze
let that love show.

When your patience is darkness-dappled and as weary as an exhausted scholar
let that love show.

When you’re disappointed to learn that trestle doesn’t mean what you hope it means
let that love show.

When you consider that the decoy bird at the end of your garden could be starring in a biopic
let that love show.

When you remember a friend’s counsel to make trepidation trendy
let that love show.

When you realise that fairy tales weren’t always fair spoken and most relied on tired tropes
let that love show.

When a musical number ties up emotion neat as a bow
let that love show.

When you know that a love like it cannot be found,
not even by cleaving a giant’s chest in twain,
that’s your unequivocal cue to
let that love show.




Catherine O’Brien is an Irish writer of poems, flash fiction and short stories. Her work has most recently appeared or is forthcoming in Mythic Picnic, BULL and Bending Genres. You can find out more about her work on X @abairrud2021.