Archive Feature: Bhumika Billa

Archive Feature: Bhumika Billa

  Portraits of Cambridge A place where a girl running isn’t just bouncing breasts. Girls here can dream dare do before they disappear into the blue plaques of cam-boys-clubs by the Eagle Pub. A place where eagles can only be he. Dining halls map histories...
Ilias Tsagas

Ilias Tsagas

  Free A yellow patch against the cement of the yard his beautiful song the surprise visit of an escaped bird.     Ilias Tsagas is a Greek poet writing in English as a second language. His poems have appeared in journals like: Apogee, AMBIT, Under the...
Csilla Toldy for Earth Day

Csilla Toldy for Earth Day

  My head is the earth My head is the earth, my skin the air dusk is my hair. I am the earth – I open myself and make love with the sky. On my horizon we touch and eternity cascades on me with the night/light.     Axis Mundi is based on Csilla...
Julian Dobson

Julian Dobson

  17 small acts of ending an ambulance stuck in traffic the picturesque potential of fallen barns library books scattered to charity shops a footpath stopped up or overgrown widening gaps between starlings a vodka bottle dumped in crocuses a Mini twice the size...
Kayleigh Jayshree

Kayleigh Jayshree

    Seaglass, Flint and Jasper Never doing things by half, or in order, seaglass for the colour of her eyes, flint for the man who builds furniture to fit her poetry, they ran to catch the last bit of sunlight at low tide. She shouted look, her dappled hands...
Kayleigh Jayshree

Kayleigh Jayshree

  The Moth Poem She sees the little lost one everywhere, eyes on the dead moths curled on her windowsill. I see what was: rosy maple moths like Battenbergs on her fingertips, A weaver’s wave moth in the countryside the day she broke down and I wasn’t there....