Catherine O’Brien

      Stranger  There’s an opening in the clouds like the sky has fallen and grazed its knee. The bus is idling at the side of the road as more passengers clamber aboard. A man is crying, loudly and uncontrollably. Each tear fastens itself to an eye for...

Tom Vowler

      Tuition F taught me to walk and, later, to check twice that no cars were coming. R taught me girls can do everything boys can and more. B taught me to find heart shapes in clouds. M taught me how to play an F# minor. J taught me to watch the ball...

Sarada Gray

      Smart House At seven the bed wakes you with a gentle vibration as the TV comes on. Like all your appliances the bed and TV are an integral part of the Unit and will remain until the SmartHome is deactivated (more information can be found in the...

Olga Dermott

Skeleton It was one of those fancy restaurants where they pushed your chair in for you, brought the whole fish to the table. We all had to watch while the waiter performed his theatrical surgery, removing the head with a twist, then a stylish flaying until, with a...

Milla Chunton

      How to Make Tako Nigiri Cooked sushi rice Sashimi-grade octopus Wasabi Nori A feeling of closeness A sharp knife First, you will need to cook sushi rice. On your dad’s chair he balances a donabe rice cooker. He crouches over the bag of rice on the...

Richard Leise

      The Ewer Once upon a time, a young man and a young woman almost discovered a genie in a bottle.  The Genie, trapped inside a ewer older than Narmer, was a steal.  Set on a shelf inside Endwell Antiques, the artifact, competing with pretty vases,...