Someone Else’s War

Someone Else’s War

  Someone else’s war i.m Stephen Dunford The city is a distorted limb that didn’t grow this way. Crepe paper twisted, steel softened to liquorice. I never got to ask you. Do hares hide when bombs fall? When bayonets are thrust against the wind does the air...

Gravitational Lensing

      Gravitational Lensing Our eyes crave baths of light— flickering playgrounds of shivering stars an image of a blue arc on the rim coiling around clusters of galaxies the vivid shimmer behind you in the garden as the torch frames your silhouette in...
Rebecca Maria

Rebecca Maria

  Being   Rebecca María is a writer and filmmaker, formerly a theatre director and cabaret performer. She is Editor-in-Chief for Those Who Were Dancing, a publication about the anthropology of sound. Rebecca also founded The Rebel Choir, a roving choir that...
Brandon Ra Pestano

Brandon Ra Pestano

  The Two Unseens The Two Unseens is a short experimental archival poetry film utilising footage of the first ever film recording of an astronomical event, a solar eclipse captured by magician Nevil Maskelyne in 1900. The original poem itself is an existential...