Ofem Ubi

Ofem Ubi

      ANY LAST WORDS. (Chapter 3 of film Back on Home Soil) A friend says, grief leaves everyone behind She ruminates on her words and goes grief leaves no one behind It shows in the way grief leaves a fraction in memory: Recollections once pristine are...
Martin Rieser

Martin Rieser

    Chipko Saving the trees We came to the tree with open arms in hope, with a feel for rain, we left the forest’s endless charms and the lost words, and the new alarms for the great tree’s growing pains. We knew the wind and we knew the earth and the...
Sarah James/Leavesley

Sarah James/Leavesley

    The Crossing There is a secret spotin every town and city –step in the right placeat the right time and paceand the world disappearsas if it had never beenanything more substantialthan a passing miracle. Listen carefully to your body’satoms, hear every...
Archive Feature: Bhumika Billa

Archive Feature: Bhumika Billa

  Portraits of Cambridge A place where a girl running isn’t just bouncing breasts. Girls here can dream dare do before they disappear into the blue plaques of cam-boys-clubs by the Eagle Pub. A place where eagles can only be he. Dining halls map histories...
Ilias Tsagas

Ilias Tsagas

  Free A yellow patch against the cement of the yard his beautiful song the surprise visit of an escaped bird.     Ilias Tsagas is a Greek poet writing in English as a second language. His poems have appeared in journals like: Apogee, AMBIT, Under the...
Csilla Toldy for Earth Day

Csilla Toldy for Earth Day

  My head is the earth My head is the earth, my skin the air dusk is my hair. I am the earth – I open myself and make love with the sky. On my horizon we touch and eternity cascades on me with the night/light.     Axis Mundi is based on Csilla...