Chris Gylee

Chris Gylee

  1997 – Dream as Animal J. Smith Animal is going to disappear, completely Standing out on the street Down the backstairs Of three-three-three Smoking a nervous cigarette Squinting into the evening August sun Beard scratchy and hot with tobacco Chest...
Katie Beswick

Katie Beswick

Splice Asemic Triptych Asemic (adjective): using lines and symbols that look like writing, but do not have any meaning. Katie Beswick is a writer from south east London. Recent poems appear in Rattle, Dust Poetry Magazine, The Waxed Lemon and The Haibun Journal. Her...
Tamsyn Challenger

Tamsyn Challenger

    Fret Soft droplets form on protrusions Floating legs in front A saline nest laps around flesh traps underneath Only a few feet are visible creeping, fogging our possibility Steam could rise from skin but here only unease is let in A mouldering of...
Moira McPartlin

Moira McPartlin

  Magnificence For Spike Walker, Photomicrographer What jewelled gifts are these, spliced and stacked on platters of smeared glass? A universe of micro. You breathed life to mitre continents, raised spikebergs of vitamin C. Sulphur produced Marvel-ready planets...
Jessamine O’Connor

Jessamine O’Connor

    Nerve Music Sometimes I’m jittery like this        jittering nervousness appears as a tremor from somewhere distant     far away     inside and I’m on edge but maybe on edge       is advantageous where things happen the best location for seeing each peak...
Janet Lees

Janet Lees

Nine Moons  Physic The moon changes size Tonight it is small and high white and hard as a pill While you dream of stone trees under the ground it drops from the sky into the glass beside your bed dissolves with a bone-saw sigh The water clouds and then clears stands...