by Helen Ivory | Jun 1, 2024 | Featured, Prose
You Had One Job There’s never a dull day at my job. As a porter at one of Cambridge’s oldest colleges, I’ve just about seen it all: tourists sliding past the “College Closed to Visitors” sign to gawp at our admittedly impressive architecture;...
by Kobi Essah Ayensuo | May 31, 2024 | Featured, Poetry
Addressing Sylvia Plath’s Fan Club You will need four hundred items in the stew of her: cumin, lemon, colocynth, bitter apple, lime, broccoli to get the aftertaste she would want in your memory. Mix half the ingredients, the dry, dyed ingredients,...
by Kobi Essah Ayensuo | May 30, 2024 | Featured, Poetry
Sonnet for My Fat Took my pain, buried it in buttercream. Unboxed, licked off the top, Masticated each grain into saline, let my bloodstream drip-feed membranes their acid-fat. In bed, I dream of fingers probing pleats of grief tissue. They peel back the...
by Kobi Essah Ayensuo | May 29, 2024 | Featured, Poetry
Mymona is a Bengali-British writer and teacher based in Newcastle upon Tyne. Her writing has been featured in the Ilkley Literature Festival and longlisted for the Butchers’ Dog. She’s a core member of the collective Brown Girls Write and...
by Kobi Essah Ayensuo | May 28, 2024 | Featured, Prose
Monster with Green Eyes Follow your room-mate and her boyfriend, but not so close that either one notices. Think shadow. Think Pink Panther. Plop down in the middle seat of three in the theater. Pretend you don’t hear your room-mate say “Do you mind?”...
by Kobi Essah Ayensuo | May 27, 2024 | Featured, Flash Fiction, Prose
God and the Rides I, Shelly, said to Amos, “We live in a nightmare amusement park World, here on Moon Miranda!” He replied, “How did we ever come to this?” I said, “In my case, I was lured by the potential thrills of continuous action.” He said, “Me,...