Lesley Burt

  Lesley Burt has had individual poems published in various journals, including Tears in the Fence, Prole, Dreich, Ink Sweat & Tears and London Grip. My first pamphlet, Mr & Mrs Andrews Reframed, was published by Templar in 2023, and my latest...

From the Archives: Dipo Baruwa-Etti

      Seats Before a table of white People, I stand with ballet Slippers strapped/soft soles Head pointed towards the angels. A dance, I commence. Pirouette Grand adage, en point Followed by flight as a helium Addicted balloon. Circling a table of white...

Ian Harker

      Hawthorn Joseph Bacon. Aged 24. 5 feet 5 ins. Dark hair. hazel Eyes. dark complex[ion]. Labourer. Born in Derbyshire. Trial of Joseph Bacon & Richard Briggs The Old Bailey, 1790 The first night you lay down your head in London there is...

Julian Bishop

      His Last Picture (After The Martyrdom of St Ursula) In a courtyard off Spacconapoli there’s a Madonelle, outdoor shrine with a pale figurine, withered flowers. He emerges at nightfall, lights a solitary votive candle, prostrates himself at her...

Jon Miller

      35mm Haul down the ladder and you’re in under a skylight casting a blue dream. Lino offcuts, packing cases, old 45s, brogues, spilled jigsaw pieces, hats. Here our cast-off selves come to console each other. We remember less than we forget. Under...

Philip Gross

      The Song of the Scans This is the song of the cells’ soft throb, the quivering coherences, their shuffling the profit and loss of life, to have and to hold. This is the trace on the scan, clouds, miasma of tissue, the ghostings of bone. And this...