Robert Nisbet

      Red Sky in the Morning Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight, Red sky in the morning, shepherd’s warning. Country proverb Our family does weddings. When Rosalie married, first time round, and the cars assembled for the drive, it was in fact a...

Kayleigh Cassidy

      The Glass Door Before I knew it, I was crying in front of my entire dance class. Thirty women and two men in neon active wear, staring at me as I tried to explain why I was late. ‘Are you okay?’ a woman with braids asked. ‘The glass door hit me,’...

Meg Pokrass and Jeff Friedman (collaboration)

      A Bit of Dignity His guest from Scotland dawdled getting to the shower and by the time she arrived, it wasn’t there. Instead, there was a hologram of a shower, one that didn’t leak. The water came down in soft, warm drops, perfect for taking a...

Amirah Al Wassif

      Meeting a Fig Tree I know a fig tree walks in beauty singing a fair song as soon as my heart beats. She uses elevators & electric stairs. People are astonished by her actions, but she doesn’t even bother to argue with them. She is very...

Royal Rhodes

      Hermitage Halfway within the sheltering woods you found yourself. The hut is an egg, gate of emptiness, closed and open. The four walls: passion and joy, fire and silence. A touch of ashes, smell of paper, sound of shadows. Like God, the Guest,...

Claire Walker

      A Jar of Starfish You may think it’s because there’s so little room, but I believe we are holding each other so we don’t forget the way water holds us. At first glance, you may be forgiven for thinking us Autumn leaves – a crisped selection of...