Scott C. Holstad

      Surviving Six Shooter I was sent from the Glendale jail down to the L.A. Twin Towers, the Los Angeles County Jail for those with medicinal needs. I was Bipolar and on 14 prescription meds including two strong anti-psychotics. LAC was the only...

Hannah Linden

      Agnosthesia for MH She gives me a word to look up in a dictionary of obscure sorrows. I, who try to decipher echoes from other people’s reaction to my words throw down a bucket into the well recognise water when people tell me how sad––how...

Rebecca Klassen

      Liana 1)      Liana vines are rooted in the earth and use trees to climb towards the canopy. Mum sews in her armchair, the embroidery hoop in one hand like a tambourine as she plays it with cotton, the needle’s tempo remaining steady when Dad gets...

Nelly Bryce

      Longing After Hafiz Longing curls its legs up on the sofa in our house. There’s a dip there now. How I long to turn us into a day trip. You belong in that chair over there asking what happened with that text and where I bought this jumper, whether...

Cameron Tricker

      Mercurial Mornings See the local estate agent crooks Ten a penny Smoking their rollies, washed down with protein Pigeons with emerald necks Mealworm toes Clucking ‘round bins Unfazed by the likes of you Or me Taxi drivers Caffeinated Menagerie of...

Elizabeth Osmond

      Doctors in difficulty after Helen Mort A trainee in difficulty is one whose progress is causing concern or who is not meeting curricular requirements. This may be due to ill health, life events, difficulties with learning or through less than...