Rebecca Bilkau

      Travel essentials A rucksack isn’t a kitchen dresser, or a view, or a whirl of Christmas Market cinnamon, sweet almonds, or the comfort of the bells of Beata Maria leading safe home through the restless stammer of a lonely night; a rucksack...

Sylvie Jane Lewis

      Water Damage Noted 06/24 An old lady enters, soak-dizzy, puts her returned book on the trolley. She’d not bothered to carry it in her bag, barely shielded it with her coat. The pages are wobbled, warped, thin skin wrinkling in fast-forward. Yes,...

Leigh Manley

      Should You Wish to Imagine Poetry in Ventricular Ectopy False starts, I’m aching to roll with you, though you catch me stumbling off beat latches, stomatic downturns spoken improvised snatches of punk, hybrid bongo systole, freeze-frame lunar...

Patrick Wright

      IN EVERY OVAL A FACE When you drew lines in the sand with your long white cane the lesson was that faces can be found just about anywhere. All they need is a frame. And there it was, just needed you to accentuate the slanted brows with a deft...

S.C. Flynn

      TENTH VIEW OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS Araucania, Chile, 1800 AD This is no job for the young, Melipal; only old women like me will go on using one dream to explain another in this language twisted like dry tree roots. Your five lights have watched us...

Lauren Sheerman

      Offices matins as the sun thinks of rising i whisper good morning god into my pillow. lauds i splash well water three times on my face as a tonic & walk out into the day; out into the cloister, into the wind, into the world. prime i butter...