Welcome Sofía Masondo, our New Editing Intern

Welcome Sofía Masondo, our New Editing Intern

Offals The flavours of home are off-putting. Offals, glands, chitterlings; this last one, we call chinchulínes, my favourite. I always liked the name, the word’s aftertaste greasy like a swallow flying to better places leaving the ovenbird behind to build its...
Sarah James/Leavesley

Sarah James/Leavesley

    The Crossing There is a secret spotin every town and city –step in the right placeat the right time and paceand the world disappearsas if it had never beenanything more substantialthan a passing miracle. Listen carefully to your body’satoms, hear every...
Jonathan Edis

Jonathan Edis

    Jonathan Edis is a dad, lecturer & osteopath in London. He’s in several poetry groups & a rep for Forest Hill Stanza. He’s been published by Ink Sweat & Tears and was highly commended in the AUB Poetry Prize 2022. Instagram:...