by Kate Birch | Jun 18, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
Fantastic rugged imagery, metal and manacles, capturing essences of both masculinity and heart. It showed vulnerability, It was beautiful, spare, imagist. It was a reflection of men’s suppressed emotions. It was powerful, poignant, moving, beautiful to read...
by Kate Birch | Jun 18, 2023 | Featured, Poetry
This poem was first published on IS&T on 15th July 2018. Rose of Jericho I am waiting for water; do not blame my Father though he made me a curling spine of dried roots. In a home not built for foliage he did his fatherly duty to pass on only what is necessary to...
by Kate Birch | May 21, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
I like its flow, its unexpectednesses, its disguised rhythms, its mysteries, its afterglows….. In the end, it was the language, the imagery and the mystery of the poem that decided the outcome of what was a very close race and saw ‘When an albatross crash-lands...
by Kate Birch | Apr 20, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
It’s a fine piece of short, sharp poetry which instantly creates two believable characters and a tense drama in a few lines. EXCELLENT You loved the story behind the poem. You loved its mystery. You loved the characters of the two sisters and the strength of...
by Kate Birch | Mar 11, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
the sense of loss and ending Words that capture voters’ instinctive response to David’s authentic, elegiac ‘The Old Fishing Village’ and saw this poem voted as Pick of the Month for February 2023. David has one book (The Rare Bird Recovery Protocol, Cinnamon)...