by Kate Birch | Dec 8, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
A tiny thing, an absolute punch to the gut though. Ann Heath’s poem was a ‘devastating portrayal of grief’. It moved voters while also perplexing them. It was beautiful and spare but also ‘powerfully odd’ and complex, and it is for this...
by Kate Birch | Nov 10, 2023 | News, Picks of the Month
‘It’s so straightforward, so devastating.’ It was the extraordinary child in ‘The Sorry Letter’ that got your votes. Michelle Diaz’s ‘delicate, poignant and compelling’ poem was relatable and familiar to some. Others...
by Kate Birch | Nov 1, 2023 | News
Jam Gentle tufts pulled rough at the stem, unwind in my left palm. Hands swing into bell petals, velvet afternoon air. Butter the sunset in snatches, clouds fold, rain dusted glass. A cowbell rings low. Past lives ripen: echo. Kayleigh...
by Kate Birch | Oct 31, 2023 | Featured, Poetry, Prose
Cellar Stories: Ash & Elder Sunday afternoon there’s always roast dinner. Then mum and dad go to church. The twins stay and wash dishes. Elder-twin picks up a plastic bag with unused Brussels sprouts inside. The cellar door is open. Elder-twin...
by Kate Birch | Oct 30, 2023 | Featured, Poetry
muted tethered i let her touch me without touching me (tears before bedtime) but (listening to the deep ache keeping the things that hurt close closed making space for kinder smotherings) i could never tell you friendship isn’t a consolation prize...