Morning Outing with Mum

we are at a cafe just round
the corner from hampstead
heath & sipping berry sunrise
smoothies    out

of soggy paper straws      we
are watching tangles of cockapoos
too many        north london
mums boys i went to school

with      disguised by full grown
beards we speak about
my studies ahmed butler
nelson    vuong  (I even use the word

teleological)        mum appears
impressed i press my now useless
straw into my glass
pick at a strawberry seed

wedged in my teeth           mum is
being weird          quiet
contemplative     she is half
smiling     i fiddle with my rings

uneasy   the waiter seems angry
a child has thrown chips
on the floor the child is very pleased
about this      i am unsure what to feel

for a moment i find myself
wishing i could be
so demonstrative
i sit silence
it feels as though
mum has something to say
i look to the chips on the floor
she inhales ‘I have to ask… are you gay?’

i guess

we have found
a language       of sorts
critical theory as ice breaker
or bull-dozer more like

of the walls i’ve built &
suddenly all the mums
are laughing at me i am naked
the dogs are growling

mum has changed the subject
it is not still me
i am tired hoping the outing is
almost over

&  then      she shuffles in
her seat  i brace
there is more i assume girlfriend   maybe sex or-            ‘and, are you a they/them… yet?’

the cockapoos have pooled
together each is carrying an item
of my clothing     on its back over
parliament hill     i see a doberman

approach the cafe     fear for the
skin   that coats   my
flesh         smoothie gloop
residue on glass
i have realised mum was never
i  am realising    the irony
i will come to realise this smoothie

always had a telos

seems almost funny to me now that
t e l o s    is an anagram
for  s t o l e


Arlo Kean (@_akeano_) is a community development worker and creative based in London. They are currently particularly interested in queer embodiment, kinship and loose forms of life writing. Their work can be found in t’Art Magazine and elsewhere