Lucy Ingrams

moonrise new chevrons   chalking the wind   – two terns   re- turned north   re- vise the estuary’s    silvers rollers   far out   lumpen with seals   the links hump   with bronze hordes  of whin the copters’   relay belfries   the cloud peels   & slices...

Matt Pitt

Rain Dog Afterwards, the pool table (cue ball chalk, two stripes) posed for Paul Cezanne. The drinkers who were plunged in conversation seemed suddenly and simultaneously to lose their train of thought. I fixed my eyes on the wall above the bar where they were...

Penny Blackburn

Lake Swim Though I don’t like to put my head under, I want to follow the thin nylon line that tethers the marker in place; finger-tap the concrete block anchoring the buoy to the lake bed. I would continue into the soft-plock mud, stir depths of silt to cloud about us...

Katherine Collins

Beauty and Despair on the Rail Replacement Bus The journey is a mural etched in hazy relief on the outside of the windows, viscous and not at all malleable. It reflects your fatigue in a pinched face set as a stubborn witness to insular interests. Snow, painted with a...

Charlie Baylis

xyla   take some from her i drop the sunlight             down her the rum is bright red          her   marbles roll out my eyes i’ve painted my fingernails xyla yellow      through who soft wind soars     until impact     Charlie Baylis is from...

Adrian Salmon

She has had a glimpse of heaven and will not be denied they try to feed her and she can feel it slipping her rage is righteous it is perfect she does not want to be good when perfection is possible they tell her she is beautiful but she knows they lie they have given...