The Twelfth Day of Christmas: Carole Bromley

    If I’d been Santa Claus If I’d been Santa Claus I wouldn’t have lived in a semi in a place in North Yorkshire; I’d have set sail from my fur-lined igloo once a year over the whole sleeping world.   I’d have grown a wonderful beard, slopped about in...

The Eleventh Day of Christmas: Agnes Lehoczky

      from Siula Grande    White night 1   The forecast is for newer snowfalls. For another fading face, another forest to be erased with transparent ink from the landscape and then forgotten. The last thing you would want is to freeze thirty thousand...

The Tenth Day of Christmas: Sarah Bower

    An Epiphany   ‘I can’t help you,’ says the guy on the desk. ‘Look at this place. The Israelis bomb it and then they drive tanks over the rubble, How would I notice one more lump of concrete among all the rest?’ ‘Not concrete,’ mumbles Caspar. It’s the...

The Eighth Day of Christmas: John Regan

    Song   This evening’s clouds capture The private imperative of prayer. The impossible confluence Of sky, water in air.   There is something in them of us- Our bending toward silent speech. Bearing at an event horizon, To each, an ever-escaping...