I devoured the Olympics, filled my mouth
and scrapbook with sticky ephemera.
I stalked a torch, seized my shining,
perforated prey, and stared into the void
of Wenlock and Mandeville’s eyes.
Sometimes, I am in the Olympics. I crawl
from my bed to my desk, and I sweat for gold.
I clutch my bottle of Lucozade
Sport Fruit Punch – Apple vs Raspberry,
my knuckles stark beneath desiccated skin.
I suckle Isotonic hydration from pink plastic,
electrolytes and athlete images fuel
my endurance, my metaphysical marathon.
Yes, Anthony Joshua, I will Stay Humble –
from Gallions Reach to Avalon,
I have many hills to spiral, many petals to burn.
Annabelle Markwick-Staff graduated with an MA in Writing Poetry from the Poetry School/ Newcastle University. Her poems are published in Popshot, Kindred Spirit, London Grip, Sage Cigarettes and Black Bough Poetry Christmas-Winter Anthology Volume 4. She is annabelleocto on Instagram.