Keeping the Wolf

Look at me, look —
night eyes find their way
without light.

I have learnt to listen
for the lies of men, to sing
my song to the moon

so now my heart
beats in time with his —
we are one.

He covers me, keeps me
warm, I can come to no harm.
He is my secret, I am his —

his dark fur invisible
beneath my scarlet cloak.



In addition to Ink Sweat and Tears, Juliet Humphreys’ poems have been published in a range of magazines, including The North, The Rialto, Orbis, Acumen, South Bank Poetry, Obsessed With Pipework. In 2021 she was shortlisted for Primers, organised by Nine Arches Press, and last year she was a runner up in an Arachne Press competition.