
Did you mean me to hear
this you in a lift
loving her,
both of you yawning
in the foreign morning light,
tired after clubbing
all night in modisch Berlin?
I speak,
screech really,
try to alert you
to the concealed me in your pocket
but my voice is far too tiny,
a squeak.
I should simply hang up,
save myself
then the lift bell dings
and suddenly my solid ground tips-
only you can stop me falling
only you calling home
to say you
love me too
but I’m just sounds
in your pocket
moving down a corridor,
listening to two pairs of feet
step, step and step
towards a room.



Jane Campbell was the winner of the 2022 Disability Arts Cymru Creative Writing Award and winner of the Geoff Stevens Memorial Prize for Poetry 2021. Her debut collection Slowly as Clouds is available now from:  www.indigodreamspublishing.com/jane-campbell