The general acceptance of the bicycle came suddenly. People that have helped me on numerous occasions who I’ll never meet: a counsellor, an academic mentor who is also the former. What does it mean to take charge of your mental health? And why for this in particular is the onus on us? Well, I suppose there is mass and dental health. When is treatment really pushed? How much of me is what I eat? Will there be long term effects from today? What shall I treasure that does physical harm but mental dusting? I did not know that good fats reduce bad; I did not know there was good cholesterol. It has a pathetic appeal to the heart and lightens it – more like a pepper dipped in guacamole than fried oven chips smothered in pepper and salt. Reconstruction is always hard.
Terry Griffiths (@hardtokeepmyheartoffmysleeve on Instagram) has been published in Mother Tongue Other Tongue, Resurgence – A Firebird Anthology, and most recently, the forty-sixth issue of Dreamcatcher. For him, poetry is self-help for the uncertainty of life.