A Present for Cat

If I could send you the perfect present it would be a box with the words DELICIOUS VICTORIA SPONGE CAKE on the front and when you  open that box it would reveal another box with the words FEROCIOUS SCORPION!!! written across it and if you are brave enough to open that box it would reveal a third box with the words DELICIOUS VICTORIA SPONGE CAKE on the side and this box would indeed have a delicious Victoria sponge cake in it but the cake will be in the shape of a ferocious scorpion because what could be better than a gift that elicits joy then fear then joy again and that final feeling of joy allows you to eat a beautifully baked representation of the very animal that seemingly but only momentarily denied you cake in the first place.



Tom Wiggins is an assistant letter carver to Fergus Wessel at his Stoneletters Studio in Milton under Wychwood, West Oxfordshire.