Three Dimensions


There is no evidence anywhere that Albert Einstein ever said the definition of insanity is ‘is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’ except there he is, all over the Internet, being attributed with having done exactly that. I have, on more than one occasion, wondered what Albert would have thought of this world, always on and constantly in opposition with itself. I wonder how long it would have been before someone called his theories out.


As a child, I was fascinated with a Time Life book that my parents bought thinking it would help better educate them and, by definition, their kids. It explained motion and dynamics using a man on a moving train, and talked about how time, if we travelled fast enough, stopped being a constant relative to where you were located. Only recently did I begin to embrace that certain key concepts in my existence are constructs meant to maintain order and prevent chaos.


Time is a concept, and so is gender. Both these things have become obsessions during a period of my life where one is running to an inevitable conclusion and the other has never fully been explored. When time is slow I am stuck as a woman, held back by men, and constricted by traditional sexuality. When it is fast all that matters is whether I’ll hold my nerve or fall off the world. When everything is fluid, so much becomes possible.

I exist in three places at once.



S Reeson [she/they] is 57, bisexual, and lives by the sea. They have been published extensively over the last six years both in physical print and online. They were shortlisted for the Live Canon Pamphlet Contest in February 2024. Instagram: @internetofwords  X: @internetofwords