Ilias Tsagas

          Ilias Tsagas is a Greek poet writing in English as a second language. His poems have appeared in journals like: AMBIT, Under the Radar, Streetcake, Poetry Wales, SAND, FU Review Berlin, Tokyo Poetry, Plumwood Mountain and elsewhere....

Jim Paterson

      A Curse Shove it, that farewell and the sky shimmering with frost and the waves wrecking on the shore I don’t care if it is basalt by the furious firth hard on hard. And as for the getting there! A mis-shapen day when the sun was unintelligible...

Philip Rush

      Rolled-Up Sleeves Tom’s advice, mind you, was to drink hot chocolate last thing at night on a garden bench beneath the moon. So, we sat there. Our eyes grew accustomed to monochrome and to the unusual grammars of darkness. A hazel-nut or two fell...
Janina Diller

Janina Diller

  collection of three Relicts in chalk flickering in random directions I am para-cosmic body unlearning   Janina Diller is a writer and researcher, about to complete a PhD in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University, supervised by Richard Kerridge and Booker...

Rosie Jackson

      Arrival Today, I talked with a friend about death and what it means to have arrived in my life before I have to leave it, what it means to be no longer waiting for my life to start. I did wait, many decades and now – later than most, earlier than...