Paul Fenn

      Almost nothing To impress you, I became a seven-year-old son of Sparta. A little hard man, crayon marching down the page. Favourite colour – Grey. Favourite animal – Snake. Favourite food – Bread. Favourite drink – Water. Favourite TV show –...

Ruth Aylett

      Seven days God had been playing computer games for a chunk of eternity when he became aware he’d left creation in the oven for a long time forgotten to check what was going on in there. And that smell of burning was no coincidence he saw when he...

Chris Campbell

      The View From This Hospital Window I admire an empty bench for hours – then a glum couple sit to share strawberries. A pensive man pats his Jack Russell. Yoghurt white sky; life’s brighter now. I slurp weak coffee, push away the lunch tray, read...

Kapka Nilan

      After the Tribe When she left, the winds picked up and the bloated sun filled the horizon with fire, the sky turning ochre. She hurried in the heat, leaving behind what she called a tribe, not a homeland.  She still remembers the scale of the...

Patrick Deeley

      The Speed of the Earth He sees a stainless-steel spoon burned off at the base, a bunch of wild flowers dropped, a builder’s padded glove plastered flat, a car slumped in black ashes and glass. He imagines his classmates singing out the bargain...