Melanie Tibbs

Mel Tibbs lives in South Devon where she is completing a Masters degree after a career as a freelance copywriter and magazine editor. She has previously lived in the Midlands and all over the South West, though she grew up in Canada and began raising her own children...

Alfie Nawaid

      COWBOYS NEVER DIE a cowboy is that split second of doubt between victim and victor, quick whipcrack out the corner of the mouth, then dissolving into being. a good cowboy never introduces herself, wants you to confuse her for some other tasselled...

Stuart Rawlinson

Bust of a Young Man (from the Burrell Collection) Bronze. Roman copy, made in the Eastern Mediterranean. 100 BC – AD 100 I’m nineteen, I’m ancient. I am so hungover one of my eyes has fallen out… He’d come in every Saturday morning, looking rough as...

Susie Wilson

      Everybody Knows Ceilings don’t hold water well. Burst a pipe at the top of an apartment block to test this theory, if you will. Lock the doors to each flat. Let the water run down between kitchen floors, popping out the eyeballs of ceiling lights...

Andy Breckenridge

      Abertawe After Richard Siken For CHD Tell me about the time I mansplained that Swansea is the English for Abertawe and means town at the mouth of the River Tawe. And about when, from the hill above Rhossili beach Lundy Island’s spectral mass...